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Reclaiming Southwest Chicago

Reclaiming Southwest Chicago

United Power/SW Organizing Project, Metro IAF affiliates


  • Over 650 families saved their homes from foreclosures.
  • Over 100 homes and apartments have been rehabbed into new affordable homes.
  • Vacant properties decreased from over 700 in 2012 to just over 300 as of Nov. 2019.
  • Vacant properties decreased from 93 (2012) to 8 (2019) in initial target area; Project zero vacant properties in 2020
  • 60% reduction in shootings; over 55% reduction in crime
  • Vacant properties re-habs have created hundreds of jobs & millions of dollars in local wages, income, taxes and tax base.  
  • Local schools have dramatically improved.
  • Phase 2:  Complete rehab of 35 more homes and apartments in 2020; In next three years, rehab another 100 homes and apartments and identify new construction, south or east of anchor area
Before After
Before After

See Article:  Affordable housing is the key to ending gun violence. It's worked elsewhere.